A curious art house film has infiltrated the specialty box office directed, written and edited by Romanian filmmaker Pintilie called Touch Me Not. It’s a fascinating if uneven movie about people venturing into a research project to get beyond their own fears and issues around intimacy. The personalities and experiences of the actors involved have been morphed together with their characters. Through improvisation and their own explorations of their own fears and limitations, or their place in helping others go beyond them, Pintilie built a collection of people as part real and part imagined. If that sounds bizarre, it is. It is an intentional blurring of the lines of reality, fiction, and fantasy, and an at times confrontational sort of experiential storytelling that will move some viewers, while offending or boring others.
For the rest of my review, go to the Alliance of Women Film Journalists
About the AWFJ.org of which I am a proud contributing member:
The Alliance of Women Film Journalists, Inc. (AWFJ), a not-for-profit corporation, is an association of professional female movie critics, reporters and feature writers working in print, broadcast and online media, dedicated to supporting work by and about women – both in front of and behind the cameras – through intra-group promotional activities, outreach programs and by presenting awards in recognition of outstanding accomplishments (the best and worst) by and about women in the movies.