The new indie release, The Wall, by Edge of Tomorrow director Doug Limon is really the ultimate vehicle for star Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who is by far the lead star in a film that only stars three people, one of whom is only a disembodied voice. The story is taken from first time screenwriter Dwain Worrell. …
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review: Top Ten SPOILER-FREE reasons to stop worrying & love TFA
Top Ten SPOILER-FREE reasons to stop worrying and love STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS: I am both a film critic and a fan of the Star Wars series. Even the biggest snob knows those aren’t mutually exclusive. However, as one filmgoer who has always been interested in informed perspectives on new movies, I didn’t want to …
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is so surprising in its excellence, its depth, beauty, and substance, it is hard to oversell to anyone with the remotest interest in seeing it, and almost incumbent upon us as reviewers to get a few cynics and naysayers into theater seats. Potential audiences can rise their expectations from wherever they lay, as cinematically, it breaks new ground and raises the bar in almost every way.
Rio 2: This Sequel Soars
April 11, 2014 The Brazilian director of the computer animated $484 million dollar blockbuster, Rio, Carlos Saldanha and Blue Sky Studios come together again for a sequel, bringing gorgeous color, highly detailed backgrounds, enhanced characterization and better songs to Rio 2, making it a far superior film than its predecessor. Also the director of several …
Captain America: The Winter Soldier – “Oh Beautiful!”
April 5, 2014 Captain America: The Winter Soldier is truly a must-see for anyone who loves superhero movies, but also for those who love spy thrillers, and even for anyone who loves a good character drama…but however much Cinema Siren heaps praise on the latest movie with her favorite superhero “Cap,” Mr. Red White and Blue, …
Noah – A Vessel of Fearless Filmmaking
03/29/2014 You know those cute little ark toys teeming with chubby pairs of animals peeking out from all sides that one buys on the way to every baby shower? Don’t look for that warm fuzzy ark here. In this week’s new release, the Noah of the title and his ark are stuff of dark apocalyptic …