Matt Tannenbaum is all about stories. He loves telling them and living them, and for over 40 years, he has loved selling them through his beloved local institution, The Bookstore, in Lenox Massachusetts. Hello Bookstore pays homage to him and to his store. As far as recent economics are concerned, his is a common tale. …
CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Review – Super Showdown or Marvelous Mess?
transcript: Captain America Civil War opens too wide release this weekend. Have we finally reached superhero saturation or will civil War directors the Russo Brothers keep audiences Crazy and clamoring for more? Cinema Siren has the answer for you! Let me start with not so much a warning, as a tease. CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR …
Noah – A Vessel of Fearless Filmmaking
03/29/2014 You know those cute little ark toys teeming with chubby pairs of animals peeking out from all sides that one buys on the way to every baby shower? Don’t look for that warm fuzzy ark here. In this week’s new release, the Noah of the title and his ark are stuff of dark apocalyptic …
“Bad Words”: Jason Bateman Brings Bad Boy in his Directorial Debut
03/24/2014 You love Jason Bateman. Of course you do. His talent, laid back demeanor, and nice guy image in Hollywood has meant a rare staying power for a man who has been in and around Hollywood since he was a 10 year old kid on Little House On The Prairie. From the film Dodgeball to …
“Prisoners” – The Hugh and Jake Show
September 21, 2013 Prisoners should come with a warning: Angst alert! Sitting through the new film by Oscar-nominated Quebecois director Denis Villeneuve, is like choosing to experience 2.5 hours of emotional torture. But potential audiences shouldn’t let that keep them from journeying through the complicated morality maze that is this story of abduction, vigilantism and …
“Getaway” Review & Top Ten Car Chase Movies of all time
August 30, 2013 I wish someone could please explain how a movie goes from a good idea to the worst release of the year. I feel such sadness and pity for the stunt drivers who risked their lives as part of the making of this week’s new release Getaway, starring Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez …
‘Despicable Me 2’: More Minions + More Gru = More Family Fun
July 2, 2013 As satisfaction at the movies goes, nothing makes Cinema Siren happier than a really great animated feature. After some mediocre offerings earlier in the year, finally this holiday weekend something really great arrives, and just in time for families looking for cinematic fun. The quirky heart of the original is kept intact, …
“White House Down”: Channing Tatum puts the “Abs” in “Absurd”
June 29, 2013 The first 40 minutes or so of White House Down, from director Roland Emmerich (of Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow and 2012) is entertaining enough. We, the audience, know going in what to expect. Testosterone-laden dialogue, limited development of the same basic list of uninventive characters, a minimum of exposition and …
Monsters U, Much Ado and Zombies Too! Cinema Siren reviews!
June 20, 2013 This weekend at the movies, there’s something for everyone, with a broad spectrum of subjects and targeted audiences in the offing. Zombies are bringing about the apocalypse in director Marc Forster’s World War Z, starring Brad Pitt. Monsters University is a new release by the magicians over at Pixar who seem able, …
Man of Steel: It’s Super!
June 14, 2013 Superman is celebrating being a whopping 75 years in June, because while dates are argued about his birth, comic experts agree he was found and adopted by the Kents on June 18th*. Fans of his have waited a long time for a balanced, well crafted, worthy interpretation on the big screen. In …