Celebrating Art in the Reel World

Showing: 6 RESULTS
Movie Reviews

32 Sounds SXSW AWFJ.org review

Director Sam Greene’s emotional and experimental documentary 32 Sounds makes the viewer or listener feel gloriously bathed in sound for over an hour and a half. It is a meditation on its power. The film allows and invites you to consider sound in ways perhaps, unless you’re a sound technician or sound artist, you haven’t considered it …

Movie Reviews

Skate Dreams SXSW AWFJ.org review

Anyone who thinks women have equality can look to continued the lawsuits and struggles for acceptance for equal pay in the sports world. It can be really depressing. Those who need a jolt of positivity can watch the new documentary Skate Dreams, the first film ever made about the rise of women’s skateboarding. It features profiles …

Movie Reviews

Sissy SXSW AWFJ.org review

Australian writer/directors Hanna Barlow and Kane Senes bring mean girls, social media savagery, fear of being cancelled, the repercussions of childhood trauma, and gore, gore, gore to their comedy horror mashup Sissy. Aisha Dee is both luminescent and looney tunes as the title character Sissy, or as she has calls herself to her 200,000 IG followers, …

Movie Reviews

Sell/Buy/Date SXSW AWFJ.org review

As a hybrid documentary, Sell/Buy/Date is one freaky little non-movie, or what ‘I-can-do-it-all’ poster gal, writer/director/producer/performer Sarah Jones calls an ‘unorthodoc’. Sell/Buy/Date considers how the sex industry is at the intersection of race, feminism, power, and money, through the lens of one Black woman with many voices seeking to better understand sex work. The Tony Award-winning playwright and performer …

Movie Reviews

Sheryl SXSW AWFJ.org review

By all accounts, Sheryl Crow is one of the most successful female singer/songwriters alive today. The superstar has won 9 Grammys, can pick up the phone and call Bob Dylan for advice, and Mick Jagger calls her “little sister”. Now filmmaker Amy Scott’s new biographical documentary Sheryl reveals the musician’s tumultuous personal experience becoming the icon she …